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Pluto was one of the prominent gods and had his domain in the third earth and the realms of the dead in mythology. Death is not a fun theme, yet it is part of the universal order of things and this area of responsibility fell upon Pluto, though not only does Pluto represent the end but also the beginning. Sometimes the only possibility for improvement is complete destruction and then the consequent rebirth.

From an astrological viewpoint Pluto's qualities remind of Mars, yet on an even more powerful level. Where Mars breaks up and separates instead Pluto changes everything completely. Where Mars is the aggressive power of war, Pluto is rather the threat of total destruction. Pluto can give the power to escape from difficult mental situations. Pluto's energies work often in the background, where power and influence over people plays a central role.

Pluto's influence on the horoscope is present almost exclusively in combination with other planets. Pluto's solar cycle is 250 years bearing subtle influence of change on periods of time.

Key words: transformation of energy, end, beginning, rebirth, power and Jade.
Gods: the Greek Hades is identical with Pluto. The Egyptian Osiris can also be mentioned here.
Age: time after death and before birth.
Bodily aspects: metabolism, sexual organs, generation and renewal of bodily processes.
Work or profession: all trades associated with working under ground, underground movements, terrorists, spies, detectives, fence and researcher.

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